So, while Daren was in Africa, it was spring break around here. And rather than just pining away for our main man, we hit the road - just me, Chap, Max, Marcy, and Gram. We headed south toward the Carolinas and spent a few blissful days visiting in Charleston with the 2 greatest aunts on the planet - Annie and Sooze.

We visited downtown Charlestown and toured via horse drawn buggy. We enjoyed a perfect beach day on the Isle of Palms. We enjoyed The Resort - pools, hot tubs, and all. And we had Uncle Dunc's house (stocked with food to the hilt!!) at the Del Webb all to ourselves, while dining every evening with Annie and Sooze. Does life get any better? I think not. Thanks, Aunts. They don't call you great for nothin'.
I sooo much love Charleston! It is one of my favorite places! I love the quaint old charm, and the trees and the ocean, and the plantations...you are so lucky to have spent Spring break there!!